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Collaboration Software for Non-Profits/NGOs

Communicate better to bring change! We made a perfect application by understanding your diverse orientations and level of operations. Be it operational NGOs or Advocacy NGOs, be in-sync within a unified platform, the Troop Messenger to carry out a wide range of activities that help societies at large.

Reach every nook and corner of the globe to exchange ideas on your dream change!
Why Troop Messenger?
We understand the unique challenges you face to gather people on to one platform for conveying your objectives and vision of bringing in positive changes in the world. We leverage thought out solutions along and make the best collaboration software for non-profits. Feel connected and secured with the following privileges:
Feature-Level Benefits
  • Real-time communication flow.
  • Group Conversations.
  • High quality audio/video calling/conferencing.
  • Live tracking.
  • Finger Print and Passcode authentication process.
  • Surveilance feature to closely monitor your counterparts communication.
Associate with:
  • Governments
  • People of Common Interests
  • Community Associations
  • Local, National, and International Non-Profits/NGOs
  • Creating awareness on Contributions
  • City-wide entities
How Troop Messenger can help Non-Profits/NGOs?
Live track your social welfare activities
Bring all your teams to a shared workspace and spread the news of emergencies to undertake relief activities. Live track their needs and respond instantly.
Collaborate with Government
Though you work independently, you may need to closely associate with Governments, for executing your ideas and projects. Start collaborating with our Orange Member feature to seamlessly interact with different level organizations and officials to get things approved.
Use what you want
Enable the features what you require, and tentatively disable those you feel insecure at that moment.
Secure File Sharing
Being security-conscious, Troop Messenger never allows you to share your files across consumer-grade file sharing applications, instead, it provides a highly secured and robust encrypted file sharing facilities.
Feasible Deployment
Simply connect Troop Messenger to the infrastructure on which you want to deploy it. Self-Host it at your private cloud, public cloud, or at your on-premise servers.
Suits All Network Types
Troop Messenger is designed to fit all network types those including low-bandwidth.
Be the owner of all your message-exchanges. Manage and maintain your total data space either with single-point or collaborative.
Request a Quote
Please fill out the required details here to get an affordable quote.
Use Cases
Empower the society
Aim your target with communication! Share the awareness of the socio-economic factors that are affecting the quality of living of the people of diverse sectors.
Collaborate with everything and everywhere! Socialize across communities, clubs, women’s organizations, educational institutions, to collectively conduct events to make them successful.
Cultural and Religious Gatherings
Connect live with instant chat, voice-video call, audio messaging, etc., with the volunteers to organize and monitor the series of events to make them successful.
Shift your conference room meetings to Troop Messenger’s quick chat groups. Discuss and get to know each participant’s opinion to conclude smartly.
Stay in touch with the people around you!
Integrate our Chat APIs to communicate with the people of your zone to increase awareness of the services you extend to them. Connect with them with live chat to understand their concerns and feedback.
Training and Development
We are future-focussed! Train your teams online through Troop Messenger’s Groups.
Made for massive collaboration
Troop Messenger is highly scalable! Be it a small or large Non-Profits/NGO, it is made to address all your communication needs.
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