On the user chat window, hover your mouse on the sent or received chat message, Click as directed by the arrow as shown from the figure below.
A collapsible drop-down menu is opened.
Select as directrdfd by the arrow from the below figure.
A message selection-forward window is opened, as shown below.
Select the check boxes of the messages, which have to be forwarded.
Click FRWD, as directed by arrow from the figure below.
A " Forward To" pop-up window is opened.
Select the users and groups from the “Forward To” pop-up window, or you can even use the search functionality to further trim down your selection process, as shown in the figure below.
Once selection is made, the check boxes turn blue colored with a tick mark in it.
Click as directed by the arrow from the figure below.
Your selected messages are forwarded.
On the user chat window, long press on the sent or received chat message.
A message selection-copy window is opened, as shown below.
Select the check boxes of the messages, which have to be forwarded.
Click as directed by the arrow as shown in the below figure.
You will be taken to the page as shown in the below figure.
Select the users and groups from the “Forward to” window or you can even use the search functionality to further trim down your selection process, as shown in the figure below.
Once selection is made, the check boxes turn blue colored with a tick mark in it.
Click Send, as directed by the arrow from the figure below.
Your selected messages are forwarded.